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As a Statutory Authority, the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act (2021 Revision), is committed to transparency and openness to information held by this Authority.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOI) was passed the 19th October, 2007 and became effective 5th January, 2009. This gives the public the right of access to records held by public authorities. Concomitantly, the Law provides exemptions to information which could be damaging on a personal or commercial level or to the security of the Cayman Islands. Details of these exemptions are available on the website of the Office of the Ombudsman.

The FOI Act was revised in 2018 to incorporate the changeover from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to the newly formed Office of the Ombudsman. This version now reflects FOI Act 10 of 2007 consolidated with Act 19 of 2012 and Act 27 of 2017, the latter of which detailed the necessary changes to transition from the ICO to the Ombudsman formally.

UCCI's Governance website fulfills the University College's obligations for our governance processes and decisions to be open and transparent to both our public stakeholders as well as to staff and students. Please check the site to see if the information you require is already available.

  • Requests for access to information held by UCCI can be directed to:

    Mrs. Lucille Kong (Information Manager)

    • Location: University of the Cayman Islands (UCCI), 168 Olympic Way, George Town, Grand Cayman
    • Mailing Address: PO Box 702, Grand Cayman KY1-1107, Cayman Islands
    • Phone: (345) 623-0563
    • Fax: (345) 949-6781
  • The records held by the University College of the Cayman Islands have been grouped into broad classes or categories reflective of functions. This will facilitate identifying the type and location of information requested.

    • Function – Administration
    • Accounting Records
    • Faculty and Staff HR Records
    • Internal Communication
    • Policy Documents
    • University Laws
    • Function – Operational
    • Student Accounts
    • Student Scholastic Records
    • Student Services Records
    • Learning Resource Centre Records

    Further information may be found by viewing the 2022-24 Publication Scheme (PDF).

  • In order to facilitate a prompt response, an FOI request should be in writing either by letter, email, or facsimile and should include the following:

    • Name
    • Address (postal or email)
    • Contact telephone number (if possible, to facilitate further clarification)

    The FOI team at the University College will respond to your request within 30 calendar days which includes week-ends and public holidays. Under the Act the Authority can extend this time to a further 30 days. In the event of this, notification shall be given to the requestor.

    For details of the exemptions within the Act, please visit the website of the Office of the Ombudsman.

  • Requests or the inspection of records are not subject to a fee. However, there may be fees attached if the request warrants a change of the information format. For details on the FOI fee regulations please log on to the Ombudsman's website.

  • If you make a request under the Freedom of Information Act and are not satisfied with our response, you are entitled to an internal review. If you believe you are entitled to an internal review, please put your appeal in writing and either e-mail or post it to the Information Manager. Include your name, address, telephone number and the reference number at the top of our letter or e-mail to you. You have 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of a refusal to request an internal review. Please explain why you would like us to review our original response.

    Under section 33 of the FOI Act, you may ask for an Internal Review of a response to your request:

    • If you were refused access
    • If you were granted partial access to the record(s) specified in your application
    • If your request was deferred
    • If there was a refusal to amend or annotate an official document containing personal information
    • If a fee was charged for action taken* or if you disagree with the amount of the fee charged
    • Where the decision was taken by a person other than the responsible Minister, Chief Officer or Principal Officer of the public authority
  • If you are dissatisfied with the decision of the internal review, or an internal review was not available, you can seek an appeal from the Ombudsman:

    • Office of the Ombudsman: 3rd Floor, Anderson Square, 64 Shedden Road, George Town, PO Box 2252, Grand Cayman, KY1-1107
    • Phone: (345) 946-6283
  • As a Statutory Authority, the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, 2021, is committed to transparency and openness to information held by this Authority.

    The Freedom of Information Act was passed on the 19th October, 2007 and became effective 5th January 2009. This gives the public the right of access to records held by public authorities. Concomitantly, the Law provides exemptions to information that could be damaging on a personal or commercial level or to the security of the Cayman Islands. Details of these exemptions are available on the FOI Unit website.

    Disclosure Log

    The disclosure log is intended to provide details of FOI requests that may stimulate the interest of the wider public.

    The outcomes of the summarised requests are listed in the log and where it was deemed necessary to withhold the record, the relevant section/subsection of the law governing the exemption is included.

    Where practical, the documents concerned have been scanned and made available online.


    YearRequest NumberRequest detailsOutcomes

    I have just been made aware that on or around 4th November, a request for the following information was sent to a large number of (if not all) public authorities:

    ·        Copies of all current contracts with private security firms

    ·        The amount spent on private security for each of the past five financial years

    ·        The number of private security guards used for each of the past five financial years

    Granted in Part/

    (Exempted section) 

    16 (c)


    This is a broad request but may not involve all government agencies so I have confined the list to ministries and department most likely to be impacted but I would be grateful if it could be forwarded to any managers that should be included. 


    I would like to request the details of all the public contracts that government has entered into be it for goods or services with the Security Centre Ltd for the last five years. I would like this to include not just major contracts procured via the CTC but the smaller ones too that may not have required any RFPs or other formal procurement processes.

    Granted in full

    “I am a Caymanian job seeker and would like a list of all your ministry/department's jobs which are currently held by work permit holders whose permits expire this year or next year.

    I am particularly interested in the areas of finance and office administration/management.

    I only require job title and permit expiry date.

    If you cannot furnish this information, please let me know where I can obtain it.”

    Granted in full
    201673536Is the strategic plan for UCCI available to the public? If so could you please advise me on where I can get a copy for academic purposes? Granted in full

    Outgoing President’s Leaving Benefits.

    Under the Freedom of Information Law I would like to request the details on the benefits provided to the former president.

    Granted in Part/

    (Exempted section) 

    16 (c)




    Please provide the accounting and spending for the Observatory, for each financial year, from receipt of its initial (and subsequent) sources of funding until the end of the last financial year.Granted in full
    2020 The number of students which have been awarded scholarships. Please indicate the source of scholarship as Government funded or private. Timeline: Since Summer 2014, for the 2014/2015 academic year until present (i.e. the past 5 years).Granted in full



    The number of students which have been provided with scholarships and have graduated. Timeline: Since Summer 2014, for the 2014/2015 academic year until present (i.e. the past 5 years.Granted in full



    The number of students who have lost their scholarships due to poor performance. Timeline: Since Summer 2014, for the 2014/2015 academic year until present (i.e. the past 5 yearsGranted in full



    The number of students which have been placed on academic probation. Timeline: Since Summer 2014, for the 2014/2015 academic year until present (i.e. the past 5 years).Granted in full

    Finance Manager - Job Reference: R01942021


    I would particularly like information on the following:

    • The number of candidates shortlisted and interviewed
    • The criteria & rubric used for scoring candidates
    • A copy of the final scoring for all candidates showing the areas where scores represented
    • The professional accounting designation the selected candidate holds

    A summary as to why the selected candidate was chosen over other candidates

    Granted in Full




    Could I get a copy of the exit report that the former University College President provided when he retired?

    Granted in Full 
    202192193I would like to make a request for the list of students from 1990 to 2020 who lost their scholarships from the associate degree program because their GPA fell below 2.75 or 3.0”Granted in Full

    I am writing to request copies of course outlines, course syllabuses, written justification presented to the Curriculum Committee, stakeholder's requests and/or evidence of Training Needs Assessment surveys conducted for the following 'Professional Development' courses offered at UCCI:

    • Cake Decorating Level 1
    • Cake Decorating Level 2
    • Fruit and Vegetable Carving and Plating
    • Pastry Essentials
    • Introduction to Bread Making

    I also request the minutes and decisions from the Curriculum Committee regarding these courses. I also request details of the members of the Curriculum Committee. 

    Granted in Full

    Please can you provide information relative to the following:


    Recruitment for Dean positions between June and August 2021


    1. How many of the applicants were Caymanian?
    2. Was a Caymanian selected to fill the position?
    3. If not, what was the overriding reason that a Caymanian did not fill the position?
    4. Please explain the reason for the decision by reference to the relevant Regulations and furnish any information provided by the successful applicant in connection with the application.
    5. Confirm whether the recruitment for Dean position is intended to hire qualified Caymanians?
    6. How many of the total employees at the UCCI are Caymanians?
    Granted in Full
    • How many students do UCCI currently have?
    • What is the breakdown of those students (part-time, full-time etc.)
    • What’s the current staff complement (broken down by PT, FT, Caymanian, Foreign workers on contract – further broken down by posts (faculty, admin. Management etc.)
    Granted in Full

    The President had indicated an increase in student enrollment over the past three years at UCCI by 43%. I am requesting, under the FOI, a breakdown category of the students' enrollment records for the following years:





    Electro-Technology certificate

    Computer Science certificate

    Hospitality certificate


    Associate and Bachelor Programmes

    Associate Degree Programmes

    Bachelor Degree Programmes

    Civil Service College

    Professional Development Center





    Electro-Technology certificate

    Computer Science certificate

    Hospitality certificate


    Associate and Bachelor Programmes

    Associate Degree Programmes

    Bachelor Degree Programmes

    Civil Service College

    Professional Development Center





    Electro-Technology certificate

    Computer Science certificate

    Hospitality certificate


    Associate and Bachelor Programmes

    Associate Degree Programmes

    Bachelor Degree Programmes

    Civil Service College

    Professional Development Center





    Electro-Technology certificate

    Computer Science certificate

    Hospitality certificate


    Associate and Bachelor Programmes

    Associate Degree Programmes

    Bachelor Degree Programmes

    Civil Service College

    Professional Development Center





    Electro-Technology certificate

    Computer Science certificate

    Hospitality certificate


    Associate and Bachelor Programmes

    Associate Degree Programmes

    Bachelor Degree Programmes

    Civil Service College

    Professional Development Center


    What percentage of the certificate programmes increased due to courses with less than six months duration? 

    Granted in Full
    • I am requesting under the FOI answer to the following questions:
      What is the current role of CRM director and Engagement services?
      What is the qualification required? What do engagement services mean for the university?
      What is the role of the Acting Chief of Staff, and which departments does the person supervise?
      What is the current status of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) job application as per the advertisement, and who was selected and appointed for that role?
      Which department does the CIO supervise?
      What relevant qualifications does the CIO hold?
      Does any Caymanian hold these Senior roles?

      How many applied for the CIO role as per the advertisement? How many were Caymanians? How many were shortlisted, and who was appointed?  What was the score of the selected candidate?”
    Granted in Full

    You had indicated that Simon Ashdown is UCCI’s Chief Information Officer (CIO), and the position provides the vision and leadership to UCCI’s information technology and security organization. The core functions are:

    ·         Information Technology Strategy and Planning

    ·         Enterprise Infrastructure

    ·         Network and Telecommunications

    ·         Information Security


    The email further indicated that Candidate C (internal non-Caymanian) Simon Ashdown was selected and had received an average score of 40.5.


    I am requesting under the Freedom of Information the following:

    a)      The score sheets of the three candidates and accompanying note.

    b)      The qualification documents of candidate C (degrees)

    c)     Relevant experience information for the post”

    Granted in Full
    2022100891“CIG advertising spend broken down by media house and category (promotional vs job adverts) for the time period of 1 Jan 2021 to 30 Sept 2022.”Granted in Full
    2022100864“Under the FOI Act, I am making a request for the pay scales currently in use at your organization.”Granted in Full

    We write to request copies of all vehicle usage policies, procedures and legislation for [the public authority]. We request that any documents released include any policies, procedures and references to legislation that legally entitles civil servants to abuse their access to government vehicles; insured and licenced with funds paid for by the public, fuelled with gas paid for by the public, maintained and serviced with funds paid for by the public to pick up coffee, breakfast, lunch and dinner regularly, pick up friends and family and run other personal errands. We also request details of the number of, make and model of vehicles for each department.”

    Granted in Full

    I am requesting under the Freedom of Information the following:

    a)      The score sheets of the candidates and accompanying note for the post of HR Manager.

    b)      The qualification documents of the successful candidate (degrees)

    c)     Relevant experience information for the post


    I am further requesting a copy of the Board approved HR Audit.

    Not Granted

    Request 1: (a), (b), (c) 

    (Exempted section

     Freedom of Information Act (2021 Revision) 23(1)

    Data Protection Act s. 2)




    Request 2: Partial Grant (Exempted section Freedom of Information Act (2021 Revision) 21(1)(b), 23(1) & 23(5))


    “I am requesting under the Freedom of Information:

    a)    The names of the interviewing committee members for the position CIO. 

    b) How many of the final candidates each committee member interviewed?

    c) Did each committee member interview each candidate?”

    (a)  Not Granted

    (Exempted section Freedom of Information Act (2021 Revision) sec 23(1)

    (b)Granted in Full

    (c)Granted in Full 

    2023103059I would like to make a request for the list of students from 1990 to 2023 who lost their scholarships from the associate degree program because their GPA fell below 2.75 or 3.0Granted in full

    The names of the individuals in the four below positions that were previously advertised and the date of their appointments and whether they are Caymanian or non-Caymanian.


    1. Marketing & Communications Manager (closing date November 2021) 
    2. Director of Admissions & Registration (closing date February 2023)
    3. Registrar (closing date April 2023)
    4. Director Marketing Communications Admissions and Registration (closing date May 2023


    Partial Grant

    Exemptions Applied:

    Freedom of Information Act sec 23(1) and Data Protection Act sec 2(a)


    I am interested in obtaining the following information:

    *  A list of all FOI requests answered by the public authority in 2022, 2023 and 2024 up to and including the date of the response to this FOI (For clarity this does not need to include requests that were misdirected to you/did not require a response)

      * Copies of the records provided in each of the above cases or a link to where the information is now publicly available

    Granted in Full
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